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At The Words of My Soul LLC, we specialize in customizable promotional items designed to elevate your brand's visibility. With a wide range of products tailored for effective marketing campaigns, we empower businesses to make a lasting impression on their audience.

Our mission is simple: to provide innovative marketing solutions that meet and exceed our clients' needs. From branded apparel to tech gadgets, we offer a diverse selection of practical and memorable promotional items for every occasion.

Your Customizable Marketing Merchandiser

Elevate Your Brand and Leave a Lasting Impression with Personalized Promotional Solutions Tailored to Your Business Needs. Stand Out in the Market, Engage Your Audience, and Drive Results with Customizable Merchandise from BrandBoost.

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Alex John Martin


Company Name should look

for ones that are specific,

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Alex John Martin


Frequently Asked Question

Welcome to our FAQs section, where we address common questions and provide helpful answers about our services as a marketing merchandiser specializing in customizable promotional items. Whether you're new to promotional merchandise or a seasoned marketer looking to enhance your brand's visibility, our FAQs are here to provide clarity and guidance.

Can I customize the promotional items with my company logo?

Yes, we offer customization options to showcase your brand identity.

What types of promotional items do you offer?

We provide a diverse range of customizable merchandise for marketing.

What is the minimum order quantity for personalized items?

Minimum order quantities vary depending on the selected product.

How long does it take to receive my customized items?

Production times vary but are typically within 7-10 business days.

Do you offer rush shipping options for urgent orders?

Yes, we offer expedited shipping options for time-sensitive orders.

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Cover image for Destini Taylor’s poem on emotional walls and vulnerability, featuring themes of love, self-reflection, and personal growth.

Are You Ready to Let Your Guard Down

August 30, 20243 min read

Hello, Beautiful Soul,

Have you ever found yourself longing for a deeper connection, yet something inside holds you back? We often build walls around our hearts, thinking they’ll protect us from pain, but in reality, they also keep us from experiencing the love we deserve. This poem is a reflection on the choices we make—choices to hold on or to let go, to stay hidden or to reveal our true selves. As you read, I invite you to think about the walls you’ve built and whether it’s time to make an adjustment.

Visual representation of breaking down emotional walls and embracing vulnerability in relationships. Image features a heart being mended, symbolizing love, self-reflection, and personal growth.

The Naked Truth by Destini Taylor

Two people can be fully clothed and hold each other without a single adjustment in their clothing and although it is preferred that both people should be naked in order to make love, it is possible for one to be naked while the other is still fully clothed. However, nothing can start and nothing can finish without an adjustment to an article of clothing. 

People remove their clothes by choice. You can’t force them to take off their shoes if they are not willing to do so. You can ask for them to be removed before entering your home and they can either oblige or decline your request. You can invite them in from the cold and ask for their coat several times and they can decline and tell you they are still cold, or they are just fine. They are comfortable with their coat on. If you just wait patiently, serve them tea, give them great conversation, and make them laugh and feel comfortable, you will find that in their time, at their own pace, they will remove the coat. 

I am comfortable being naked and although it may be a cold day, or the sun may burn my skin, it is my choice to be content in my own skin revealed for whomever I want to see it. I made a choice to show you my skin and to the world you may be fully clothed, but I’ve seen the adjustments you’ve made at your own pace. You can keep on your coat until you feel comfortable and trust I will not force you to remove it. That is your choice to do so, but when you are ready, I’ll hang it up for you. 

The moral to the story is this… Some of us have walls, some of us have bridges, and some of us have a street with signs leading straight to our hearts. However, the choice to make the adjustments to remove the walls, bridges, and street signs to our hearts, are our own. Walls keep everything out, but they also prevent things from getting in. Choose your walls wisely and remember you are the builder and the breaker. The choice to do one or the other is completely up to you.

Reflect, Connect, and Discover More…

Thank you for taking the time to read this piece. My hope is that it resonates with you and perhaps inspires you to reflect on the choices you make in your own relationships. We all have walls, but we also have the power to break them down and build bridges instead.

If this poem touched your heart, there’s so much more waiting for you. The Words of My Soul: Poetry About Love is a collection filled with pieces just like this—raw, reflective, and meant to stir something deep within. I invite you to dive deeper into the journey of love and self-discovery.

Purchase The Words of My Soul: Poetry About Love

Remember, Beautiful Soul, the choice to build or break down your walls is yours, but know that love is always worth the risk.

Sending you love & light,

Destini Taylor

Author of The Words of My Soul Interactive Poetry Book

Founder of Destini Unfiltered

blog author image

Destini Taylor

Destini Taylor is the author of The Words of My Soul Interactive Poetry book and founder of the Destini Unfiltered Podcast. Her writings are in the love and relationships, mental health, and personal growth space. She is a bestselling self-published author and owner of The Words of My Soul LLC. Destini creates both physical and digital products that are creative and inspiring.

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